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v3 FOR PRINT AB 800 Flyer with Storyboard

7 Mar 2024

You are now a worker–that means you need to know your rights! Make sure your boss pays you correctly, on time, and doesn’t make you pay for extras, like uniforms. [...] YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE, YOU HAVE RIGHTS! If your employer sets your wages and hours and tells you how your job should be done you are an EMPLOYEE, not a self-employed “independent contractor.” Some employers try to say their workers are independent contractors, not employees, because it saves them money on payroll taxes. [...] Your employer cannot punish or fire Scan the QR code to you for using paid sick leave, andcannot require you to find your own learn more. [...] There are programs to help you if you get hurt on the job, if you become unemployed, disabled or sick and cannot work, or if you need to care for a family member or new baby. [...] Employers CANNOT take your rights Employers get to decide many things at work, but they cannot violate your rights or punish you for standing up for those rights! It is illegal for an employer to fire you, cut your hours, give you a worse shift or bad assignment, or punish you in any other way for exercising any of your rights such as refusing to work off the clock, taking paid sick leave, reporti.


Sandy Olgeirson

Published in
United States of America