cover image: Project Level  Design Principles - Guidance from the National Infrastructure Commission


Project Level Design Principles - Guidance from the National Infrastructure Commission

16 May 2024

As the project design matures, and as the complexity of the project considerations increases, the team should plan for sufficient ‘reflection time’, to ensure the design principles are continuing to have the anticipated impact and that they will contribute to delivery of the final outcomes being sought. [...] The whole project team must understand the role and status of these documents, likely to include: ● the project description supporting environmental assessment ● the design chapter within the environmental statement ● the design and access statement or similar design report, describing the design process undertaken ● the project’s design principles, submitted for approval to support the governance. [...] Develop feasible options ● undertake project optioneering, working within the framework of the design vision and design principles, and using a multi-disciplinary team ● use the principles to inform the approach to multi- 41 Project level design principles through the lifecycle criteria assessment and ensure consideration of the wider benefits that could be realised ● utilise the mitigation hierar. [...] Agree preferred option ● undertake detailed, quantitative assessment of the options and sub-options developed previously; ensure that evaluation is undertaken clearly and transparently, with direct reference to the design vision, the design principles and the outcomes being sought ● ensure the assessment takes full account of the potential for options to deliver wider value through the project ● p. [...] Photograph by Laurian Ghinitoiu 44 Project level design principles through the lifecycle ● set out, in the submission documents, a clear articulation of how: the design principles have been used to influence design development; the principles are ‘embedded’ in the design submitted for consent; the design will help secure delivery of the project’s outcomes ● begin to prepare for the translation of.
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United Kingdom