cover image: 3:ENG Gender Aspects of Extremisms - in Serbia


3:ENG Gender Aspects of Extremisms - in Serbia

18 Apr 2024

Gender Aspects of Extremisms in Serbia 3:ENG Gender CONTENTSExtremism in Serbia // 3Aspects The Relationship Between Extremism and the Mainstream // 4The Concept of Extremism in the of ExtremismsCo ntext of Blurring the Border with the Mainstream // 6Methodology // 7 in Serbia Common Characteristics of the Far-Right and Extremist Islam // 9The Superiority of One’s Group Instead of the Universality. [...] The contents of Народна библиотека Србије, Београд this publication are the sole responsibility of the Helsinki The Exit of Women from Extremist Groups // 33 Committee for Human Rights in Serbia and do not necessarily ISBN-978-86-7208-239-5 reflect the views of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. [...] As a product of all of the above, the most destructive and far-reaching consequence of contaminating the mainstream with extremist con- THE CONCEPT OF EXTREMISM IN tents is the change of the collective consciousness of society. [...] ly, the principal of the Aleksa Šantić Primary School in Sečanj, Olivera Marjanović, respected the secularism of the state, which is guaranteed The influence of the clergy on women’s rights is particularly significant by the Constitution and relevant laws, and ordered that no religious as the Church has an elaborate set of strict, rigid and retrograde patri- rites be allowed in the school to mark. [...] Thus, at the press conference of the Natural Family Coalition66 family is such a human society in miniature where the gender divide regarding the appeal to stop the adoption of the Law on Same-Sex has been imposed on man by nature: the husband is the father and Unions, the Gender Equality Law and the Anti-Discrimination Law, it protector of the family, while the wife is the mother who bears chil-.


Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

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