cover image: Serbian Orthodox Church – Politics, Actors, and Activities: Nationalist Spiritual Vertical


Serbian Orthodox Church – Politics, Actors, and Activities: Nationalist Spiritual Vertical

18 Apr 2024

The construction of a memorial announced on social media that he informed Patriarch Porfirije, the centre in remembrance of the victims of the Jasenovac concentration members of the Holy Synod and the Serb member of the Presidency of camp “and all other Serbian victims in the territories not being under Bosnia and Herzegovina about the talks that are held under the aus- the control of the Serbian. [...] The controversial letter that arrived in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty Some experts pointed to cooperation between the Church and the of Orthodox Theology, due to which the messanger was thrreatened, state authorities in the violation of the Constitution and law, as well as was the memo from the Rector’s Office, that is, the fourth warning the Statute of the oldest state university. [...] As was stated, “Pursuant to this decision, the Dean of the Faculty of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “unquestionably” carried out the will promptly bring the appropriate decision on the termination of decision of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church by hand- the Professor’s employment at the Faculty”. [...] In the Draft Amendments to the Law on Higher Edu- Church.” Reacting to the statement of the Rector’s Board of the Uni- cation, which was adopted by the Serbian Government in mid-2021, 32 versity of Belgrade, which disputes the legality and legitimacy of the there remained the identical provisions as those in the Draft Amend- decision of the Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Professor ments. [...] In this on the introduction of a blessing into this law was reached with the case, the recently fired Professor Kubat recognizes the systematic per- leaders of the Church, which is why the Ministry of Education was secution of the unfit, while the message of university professors that not interested in the opinion of academics from the outset.


Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

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