cover image: UBIC Statement - UBI Policy election scorecard


UBIC Statement - UBI Policy election scorecard

15 May 2024

Today, the Universal Basic Income Coalition (UBIC) launches our Universal Basic Income Policy Election Scorecard—a resource for voters to compare where parties stand on the question of basic income. [...] Out of the 19 parties we analysed in our scorecard, 10 have committed to expanding the social protection floor, and five have committed to a basic income grant or a universal basic income. [...] But the Election Scorecard shows that there is a huge difference between the parties when it comes to social grant policy and that the devil is in the detail (or in some cases, the lack of detail). [...] We have an opportunity on 29 May to take a significant step towards a just future, in which we unlock the massive potential of our people, and make sure everyone has an opportunity to contribute to building the South Africa we deserve. [...] The UBIC Election Scorecard is intended to help voters who care about basic income to make an informed choice on election day and to hold parties accountable to their manifesto promises after the election.
Published in
South Africa