cover image: One Health Approach: Safeguarding Communities Across Borders in the Horn of Africa - May 22, 2024, (Nairobi, Kenya):


One Health Approach: Safeguarding Communities Across Borders in the Horn of Africa - May 22, 2024, (Nairobi, Kenya):

22 May 2024

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release One Health Approach: Safeguarding Communities Across Borders in the Horn of Africa May 22, 2024, (Nairobi, Kenya): A high-level ministerial event was convened today to address health security in the Horn of Africa through the implementation of a One Health approach. [...] Organised by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in collaboration with Chatham House, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), and the World Health Organization regional offices for Africa (WHO AFRO) and the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO EMRO), the event brought together key stakeholders, including focal ministers and their representatives from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia, as well a. [...] “By adopting a One Health approach, we can better protect our communities from health threats and enhance overall well-being, addressing the risks at the interface within the context of scarce resources in the IGAD region." The event highlighted the critical need for integrated health strategies that incorporate public health, animal, and environmental perspectives. [...] Participants underscored the importance of cross-border collaboration and coordination, data sharing, joint research, and capacity building to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes across the region. [...] Olaa Mohamed-Ahmed, Technical Lead from the UK Health Security Agency The One Health Approach will include comprehensive feasibility studies, followed by the implementation of targeted health projects in key borderland areas.


Omar Houssein

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