cover image: Séance publique du conseil d’adminiatration du CUSM Public Meeting of the Board of Directors of the MUHC


Séance publique du conseil d’adminiatration du CUSM Public Meeting of the Board of Directors of the MUHC

19 Jan 2024

Séance publique du conseil d’adminiatration du CUSM Public Meeting of the Board of Directors of the MUHC Séance publique du conseil administration du CUSM Public Meeting of the Board of Directors of the MUHC 2024-01-19 Peter Kruyt Président du conseil d’administration Chair of the Board of Directors 1. [...] de Santé Québec / Appointment of Santé Québec's Chairman of the Board and Board Members Début du transfert progressif des effectifs du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux vers Santé Québec / Progressive transfer of staff from the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux to Santé Québec begins 13 Adoption du Projet de loi 15 / Adoption of draft bill 15 Été/ Nomination de l’équipe. [...] • The responsibilities of the CPDP are exercised by the CEC • In accordance with the regulations of the Hospital and CPDP Bylaws, the CEC is accountable to the MUHC Board of Directors for the quality of the medical care provided at the MUHC and is responsible for overseeing the functioning of all CPDP Committees Comités obligatoires du conseil et leur présidence Obligatory Committees of the Counci. [...] • Collège des médecins du Québec – May 23 to 26 2023; May 30 2023 • The professional inspection visit in the Department of Anesthesia, on the quality of the Medical Act conducted and the summary meeting led to a preliminary report. [...] • BILL 15 – introduced in the National Assembly on March 29, 2023, the tabling of the new bill by Minister Dubé, Carmant and Bélanger , the restructuring of the LSSS proposing many changes in the medical governance and other aspects of the law.


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