cover image: Policy advice - Circular economy and waste route map to 2030


Policy advice - Circular economy and waste route map to 2030

14 May 2024

There are dates included for some policies, and some actions that are identified as mandatory, but much of this strategy appears to be about preparing for the future rather than acting in the present.1 Even if one agrees to the general premise of the document, it is not clear what this means in practice as the accompanying detail has been relegated to a future point in time. [...] In response, the RSE proposes setting up a UK commission for the circular economy (much like the Climate Change Committee) to determine how the UK and devolved administrations can work together to drive progress and avoid a repeat of the deposit return scheme. [...] between Scotland’s approach to gene-editing The concept of circularity can often be reduced to legislation as compared to England and indeed, only the most visible or significant components of much of the rest of the world. [...] However, true circularity should seek to committed to keeping up with comparable European repurpose every single element of the product in the legislation (which is among the most restrictive pursuit of a genuinely regenerative cycle of design, in the world), the RSE warns that innovation manufacture, and application. [...] The Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges RSE would highlight the important work of the frameworks should be geared towards operating with regulatory horizons council in reconciling the need a presumption in favour of circular products and lever for proportionate regulation with the need for further the benefits of aggregated demand.
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United Kingdom