We worked to move all state reporting into the same template; thus, within each state, the data are a good depiction Since COVID-19 and the pandemic, the country has of what the state knows and does not know about its recognized the crucial role child care plays in the lives early learning workforce demographic, preparation, of families, businesses and our national economy. [...] the settings in which they work, and workers’ experience are all critical factors in the consideration Studies have found that positive child development of strategies to build and is linked to interactions between the individuals support a competent and working in child care and early learning settings and stable workforce. [...] Thus, the quality of child care depends on the quality of the workforce (i.e., the The National Survey of knowledge and competencies of the workforce) in Early Care and Education 1 both center- and home-based settings. [...] as both a hub for workforce-related information and a data system to implement policies (e.g., to communicate or connect individuals within the “IN A WAY, THE REGISTRIES ARE workforce to information or support, such as the THE CLOSEST THING THAT THE distribution of workforce retention or bonus grants CHILD CARE INDUSTRY HAS TO AN made available through federal child care COVID-19 relief funding). [...] For example, data tells stakeholders the Understanding who is in the direct-care workforce size of the workforce, the percentage of the workforce begins with capturing data across settings.
- Pages
- 17
- Published in
- United States of America