Bosnia and Herzegovina: Srebrenica resolution an important recognition for victims and their families


Bosnia and Herzegovina: Srebrenica resolution an important recognition for victims and their families

23 May 2024

Reacting to the UN General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution establishing 11 July as an official International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, Jelena Sesar, Amnesty International’s Europe Researcher, said: “This long overdue resolution represents an important public recognition of the victims and their families and pays rightful tribute to survivors who have fought for nearly 30 years to keep the memory of the harrowing events in Srebrenica alive. “Sadly, authorities in some parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region continue to deny the crimes and engage in dangerous glorification of those convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. This despite the fact that international courts have proven beyond any doubt that the killing of more than 8,000 men and boys in 1995 constituted an act of genocide.
news bosnia and herzegovina europe and central asia justice systems armed conflict war crimes and crimes against humanity international justice press release western, central and south-eastern europe
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