Sri Lanka: Amnesty International’s Secretary General concludes five-day visit


Sri Lanka: Amnesty International’s Secretary General concludes five-day visit

20 May 2024

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, concluded a five-day visit to Sri Lanka today, in which she met with officials and a diverse cross-section of society, stakeholders to discuss a range of pressing human rights issues. Speaking at the end of her mission, she said: “This visit has provided insights into the many challenges that Sri Lanka is confronting 15 years after the end of the war that has fractured and polarized Sri Lankan society. I am deeply grateful to all those who engaged with us, recounting their pain and grief, sharing their views and concerns, and voicing their hopes, fears and demands for the present and the future. Amnesty International stands ready to support all genuine efforts and commitments to confront long-standing impunity, address the violations and grievances of the past and present, and put an end to discrimination and the repression of fundamental freedoms. “We thank President Wickremesinghe for making the time and providing the opportunity to engage in a constructive dialogue over the human rights challenges facing Sri Lanka. As the home of our South Asia Regional Office, Sri Lanka is vital to our work and we appreciate the government’s continued support and commitment to our cause.
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