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21 May 2024

The Director is responsible for monitoring the regulatory landscape and leading in the preparation of COGR policy perspectives and activities related to the administration of and compliance with federal regulations and policies within the position’s issue portfolio. [...] The Director is the lead staff for the COGR’s Costing and Financial Compliance Committee and works closely with the committee chair and members to execute the responsibilities of this position. [...] The letter posed a series of questions, including whether NIST had conducted an analysis of the economic impact, the full range of potential effects, whether the Framework provides clarity for potential licensees and investors, and the expected impact on the U. [...] In response, REC contacted NIH concerning its expectations for implementation of the following institutional assurance statement concerning Certificates of Confidentiality (“Certificate”): This institution agrees to use the Certificate of Confidentiality to protect against the compelled disclosure of personally identifiable information and to support and defend the authority of the Certificate aga. [...] The IRE must then notify the funding agency of its determination, and if the funding agency agrees that the research is Category 1, then the IRE and PI must develop and submit a risk assessment and risk mitigation plan to the federal funding agency for review and approval.


Toni Russo

Published in
United States of America