Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) in Thailand


Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) in Thailand

30 Apr 2024

The project is significant for haze-threatened Sawang Village near the Thailand as it aligns with the Global Goals and Thailand-Laos border – are ideal for the Thai Government’s commitment to demonstrating fire management plans and reducing average PM 2.5 levels by 40% and best practices across varied geographic, land burning by 50% through joint responsibilities of use and socio-economic contexts. [...] Effective and sustainable fire management CBFiM leverages RECOFTC’s expertise in hinges on understanding community needs community forestry to involve community and challenges and fostering close members, local authorities and stakeholders coordination between communities and throughout the integrated fire management government entities throughout the fire process, including the preparation (revie. [...] It also includes problem analysis, adaptive management feedback and expansion of the approach to multiple levels – local, national and regional Activities, support and recommendations for community-based fire management The CBFiM project conducted situational In response to the identified needs and analysis and capacity development needs challenges, we have collaborated with assessment workshops i. [...] Preparation (Review, risk reduction and the application of technology in fire and readiness) management planning. [...] to transport people and equipment for timely Develop community-based fire management firefighting and phone and internet plans and collaborative plans among connection to report fire cases as early as neighboring villages and stakeholders.
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