cover image: A Toolbox for Transitioning to Zero-Pollution Equipment - Five strategies and thirty actions policymakers and advocates can take to

A Toolbox for Transitioning to Zero-Pollution Equipment - Five strategies and thirty actions policymakers and advocates can take to

30 Apr 2024

A Toolbox for Transitioning to Zero-Pollution Equipment Five strategies and thirty actions policymakers and advocates can take to affordably, equitably, and smoothly transition off gas heating in buildings Summary Gas-powered space and water heating in homes and businesses is a significant driver of unhealthy air quality in the Bay Area, responsible for more lung-damaging nitrogen oxide pollution. [...] Potential implementers: The Legislature and Governor, the CEC, CPUC, CCAs, utilities, RENs, local governments. [...] » 3.2: Streamline city and county permitting and inspections and amend local zoning and planning codes to reduce barriers to heat pump installation, including restrictions on available space. [...] Potential implementers: Local governments (planning and building departments, city councils), Potentially Legislature and Governor » 3.3: Develop programs with oversight from building inspectors to allow licensed contractors to permit, inspect, and certify installations of zero-emission appliances. [...] Develop the Workforce Prepare the workforce and support high-road labor standards » 4.1: Train and prepare existing contractors on how to install heat pumps and best practices for thorny situations such as emergency replacements, space constraints, and low-capacity panels.
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United States of America