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Disclosable Restructuring Paper - Early Childhood Education Project - P145544

26 Nov 2020

However, the two related to child stimulation and learning, and the one related to teachers, have yet to achieve their target as shown in the following table. [...] Consequently, the government has not been able to provide the NSMP allocation to schools as expected, which has affected the achievement of the intermediate indicator on the number of pre-primary and primary school children receiving school meals. [...] Furthermore, the survey reveals important welfare disparities in engagement in distance learning with a 7-percentage points difference in the likelihood of children from households classified in the bottom 40 being engaged in remote learning compared to the those from the top 60. [...] Without effective remedial action, students in Lao PDR are expected to lose around 0.2 learning adjusted years of schooling (LAYS) and up to 8 percent of students between ages 6 and 18 are expected to drop out of school because of the pandemic.2 The loss in LAYS would translate to a loss of US$121 in average annual earning per student (2017 PPP) or US$2,203 loss to lifetime earnings of a single in [...] This restructuring is proposed to account for the delays in implementation of project activities due to COVID-19 closures and to support the government in better recovering and responding to the impact of the pandemic on the education system.
results framework child development early childhood education disability economic assistance lao people's democratic republic school attendance teachers ethnic group distance learning poverty reduction school enrollment coronavirus (covid-19) school lunch program medical service school year high frequency educational sciences macroeconomics and economic growth investment project financing east asia and pacific social protections and labor access of poor to social services services & transfers to poor financing instrument poor household school closure sanitation facility screening tool financial management arrangement monitoring activity social protections & assistance intermediate indicator economic and financial analysis years of schooling remote area economic stress monitoring data children of ages good hygiene national school meal program classroom observation lifetime earnings cause for concern remedial action primary school child educational activities community awareness procurement issue children attending schools primary student cognitive stimulation medical support survey sample developmental outcomes school visit governmental resources children from households average person impact on child village fund learning modality health practice monitoring visit proper nutrition



Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Disclosable Restructuring Paper - Early Childhood Education Project - P145544
Document Date
Originating Unit
Education EAP (HEAED)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
LA-Early Childhood Education Project-1254245 -- P145544
Total Volume(s)
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