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Background on Stanford Gas Stove Study

3 May 2024

Background on Stanford Gas Stove Study May 2024 FROM AGA PRESIDENT AND CEO KAREN HARBERT: “Despite the impressive names on this study, the data presented here clearly does not support any linkages between gas stoves and childhood asthma or adult mortality,” said AGA President and CEO Karen Harbert. [...] published in The Lancet in February of this year, that focused on cooking or heating with natural gas and several health conditions. [...] However, this extrapolation to the entire population is only meaningful if natural gas use can cause asthma or death, and the studies on which the calculation in Kashtan et al. [...] IN THE WORDS OF PUZZOLO ET AL (see AGA’s recent release on this study here): “For asthma, no significant increase in risk for children and adults was found for use of gas compared with electricity… We confirmed that that risk of asthma from gas use was potentially exaggerated in studies with no or limited adjustment for confounders versus those with adjustment for at least one key confounder. [...] We therefore consider that as the evidence stands at present, the causal basis for estimating the burden of NO2 on mortality and loss of life expectancy remains weak." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Visit | AGA_naturalgas | naturalgas | aga_natgas ht.


Kevin Morales

Published in
United States of America