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4 Drivers Chapter

12 May 2024

Wildlife trafficking differs from some other forms of transnational organized crime in that the primary harm In the source country, someone needs to harvest or occurs up front, in the country from which the wildlife collect the wildlife and pass it on to someone else is sourced.2 This is different from the trade in illicit who has the capacity to sell it within the same country drugs, for example,. [...] Although timber in rough or sawn form has long been on the Nigeria Customs Their situation is similar to that of the fishers list of banned exports,17 the CITES Management interviewed in Peru for the illegal seahorse trade Authority of Nigeria issued permits for the export of case study in chapter 6 of this report. [...] It allowed the growth of raiding their crops and collected ivory from three of infrastructure—including the construction of sawmills the five elephants that died as a result.15 Another and lumber depots, the purchase of specialist caught a tiger in a snare intended to prevent wild vehicles and cranes, and the accumulation of skills. [...] Research in the periphery of Chinko reserve Specialized roles in the east of the Central African Republic found that some of those involved regarded elephant hunting Illegal trading roles vary in terms of scope of as part of their cultural identity, a mark of bravery and engagement and influence along the trade chain.24 manhood, a tradition that was passed between the Some participants may act as. [...] For example, in research for the illegal orchid trade case study in chapter 6 of this report, some of the buyers interviewed said that the costs of taxes, phytosanitary compliance certificates, and CITES documentation could exceed the value of the quantity of plants they wanted to import.
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