cover image: Nepal - Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program Project


Nepal - Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program Project

15 Nov 2020

Project for Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (P132750) (i) revision to the cost of the components and corresponding changes to be financed through the IDA credit and GON; (ii) changes to the results framework to adjust the targets of selected intermediate indicators (see Annex 1); (iii) reallocation of the IDA grant across various categories in accordance with the above changes; [...] Project for Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (P132750) Table-4: Finding of Study of Impacts In/From the Zone of Influence Parameter In the case of Paved Roads In the case of Gravel Roads (a) For the people to reach an all-weather road The average distance decreased by 60%. [...] As against the allocation of SDR 65.2 million, the Project utilized SDR 59.1 million (90.6 percent) at completion, mainly because of the depreciation of the Nepali Rupee against the US Dollar (from NPR 98.26 to the US dollar at appraisal to NPR 120.67 to the US dollar at completion) and the SDR. [...] The contribution of the Project to poverty reduction and shared prosperity, as measured through the study of impacts, included: (i) increase in the value of trade by 25 percent and 59 percent in the zone of influence of paved roads and gravel roads, respectively; (ii) 40 percent improvement in employment within the roadway zone of influence; and (iii) approximate doubling of land value adjacent to [...] While the two PDO level indicators used to assess the achievement of connectivity and reliability were reasonable, the quality and sustainability aspects of the network (which depended on the ability of the network to withstand rains, floods and continuity of routine maintenance) could have been better captured.
commodity price environmental assessment rural area involuntary resettlement environmental safeguard skilled labor results framework natural disaster inequality personal protective equipment inclusive economic growth accident insurance essential services contract management documentary evidence equal pay exchange rates indigenous peoples liquidated damages minimum wage agricultural product political unrest value of trade works contract rural community poverty reduction institutional strengthening gender and development safeguard policy best practice extreme poverty agricultural income financial sector development market infrastructure performance assessment road accessibility transport services gender equity farm productivity fixed assets socio-economic status least developed country occupational safety and health global positioning system formal employment theory of change real gdp rights of way natural habitat marginalized communities average distance gender disparity construction site employment opportunities gravel road rainy season social issue natural resources and blue economy financial sector policy environmental and social impact result indicator outcome indicator gender action site visits poor household environmental and social safeguard safeguard policies civil works grievance redress mechanism project intervention social assessment environmental and social management framework affected persons female staff environmental and social management plan million people construction material construction activities physical cultural resources resettlement action plan annual work plan and budget physical work intermediate indicator road and bridges environment and social management plan in poverty first year local area exchange rate fluctuation funds flow compensation payment socio-economic development length of road effective monitoring selection criterion allocation of resource resettlement action plans finance for development geographic area several factors loan facility drainage system routine maintenance employment opportunity analytical study urban and rural development several challenges work contracts single woman rural transportation infrastructure road section local infrastructure road work agency staff capacity constraint use of child labor procurement of work exogenous changes poverty headcount rural worker economic internal rate of return income generating activity quality at entry increase in population governance challenge increased access banking service vehicle operating cost original amount cost of labor indicator target country partnership strategy positive outcome district road rural connectivity average travel time empowering women core road network first aid training hotel operators basic amenity allegations of corruption use of information technology general administration rural district indicator baseline funding support quality of supervision road upgrade paved road capacity limitation flexible repayment internal factor financial literacy training books of account verification requirements local agency several external community activity zone of influence seasonal access rural transport infrastructure local health service cost of fuel payments to the consultant beneficiary monitoring nepalese rupee indicator road skilled labour health check rural access improvement and decentralization separate budget constitutional change transport official effective approach risk identification inadequate drainage integrity vice presidency lost land average household income rural population distribution labour camp compensation amount road construction activity immunization service funding requirements contract award recommendation rural maintenance walking distance unit maintenance free transportation political factor based systems cost of labour free health vehicle owner erosion risk assessment of achievement documents for work maintenance workers
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Doc Name
Nepal - Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program Project
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United States of America
Rel Proj ID
NP-Project For Strengthening The National Rural Transport Program -- P132750
Total Volume(s)
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Version Type
Gray cover
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