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Georgia : Towards Green and Resilient Growth

1 Dec 2020

Georgia has made remarkable progress in terms of economic growth and poverty alleviation. In 2019, the country became an upper middle-income country Georgia’s endowment of natural resources is a significant source of national wealth and has the potential for accelerating inclusive socio-economic development. Yet, challenges persist as poverty and inequality remain high, especially in rural areas. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) induced global recession has affected important sectors of the economy, including tourism and the travel industry. This report fills knowledge gaps in the upstream importance of environment and natural assets, and highlights areas for aligning national strategies with sustainable recovery from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In so doing, the report aims to inform national policies by which Georgia has commitments to “greening” sector developments aligned with the provisions of the EU–Georgia Association Agreement. The analysis underlying the report includes updates to the cost of environmental degradation (CoED) published in 2015. It also reflects the new government priorities and options for addressing specific challenges in forest management, land and coastal degradation, and air pollution. The recommendations of this report are designed for a wider audience, including the government of Georgia, as well as development partners and broader society.
economic recovery agriculture population and demographics environmental law soil erosion climate adaptation indoor air pollution public health tourism rural area household income land use ecosystem service natural disaster natural capital small and medium enterprise foreign direct investment global value chain social support forest degradation forest management europe and central asia agricultural land agricultural production agricultural productivity animal husbandry carbon storage economic crisis environmental degradation soil degradation land degradation land management rural population solid waste management urban population protected area economic sector natural hazard land productivity united nations framework convention on climate change poverty reduction hydroelectric power plant agriculture and food security environmental sustainability public service delivery caucasus household survey data poverty alleviation former soviet union coronavirus (covid-19) land use policy ambient air pollution total employment global recession cognitive ability natural resource management healthcare system ischemic heart disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease net present value tourism industry blood lead level real gdp coastal flood forest ecosystem water source lead exposure fine particulate matter rising sea levels cost of production irrigation water impact of climate change agriculture and forestry hydropower plant natural resources and blue economy social and environmental land and water extreme weather event positive impact flora and fauna data availability risk of damage environmental analysis replacement cost policy and institutional framework lagging region government priority impact area forest sector landscape restoration source of pollution negative health impacts pollution management & control brown issues and health employment and unemployment access to health-care landscape management other sectors climate change impact monitoring data below the poverty line lack of investment damage to infrastructure poverty & inequality natural resource endowment tourism sector irrigation infrastructure power generation capacity hydroelectric power station cost of land degradation loss of biodiversity market price temperature increase environment and natural resources income from agriculture unsustainable agricultural practice air pollution monitoring air quality & clean air forest land integrated watershed management irrigated area reduction in poverty air pollution impact land cover type restrictions on mobility natural resource base poor rural community international development partner low labor productivity low carbon development irrigated land methodological approach severe drought agricultural production loss net job creation loss of property poverty gap sustainable natural resource use allocation of government resource direct economic impact southern and eastern impact of land impacts on agriculture classification of country national environmental agency intensity of rainfall rural poverty level national environmental action poor rural household damage cost approach large reservoir net factor income natural resource degradation subsistence minimum potential for hydropower vulnerable rural household abundant water resource sensitivity to climate change annual crop emissions from transportation degraded watersheds shrub can mortality by cause productivity-led growth analysis of income coastal zone development natural asset lost economic opportunity dry matter per hectare environmental economist wealth of nation climate change adaptation in coastal areas coastal degradation free-flowing river national environmental legislation national gdp species of tree low productivity agriculture internationally accepted standards


Castren,Tuukka,Golub,Elena Strukova,Kapanadze,Darejan,Damianova,Adriana Jordanova,Erencin,Camilla Sophie,Ania,Blerian,Alhazishvili,Nato,Irakli,Kaviladze

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Georgia : Towards Green and Resilient Growth
Document Date
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7X-South Caucasus: Regional Environment And Climate Program -- P171738,P171738
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
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