cover image: Just Coal Transition in Western Macedonia, Greece - Insights from the Labor Market


Just Coal Transition in Western Macedonia, Greece - Insights from the Labor Market

3 Nov 2020

This report analyzes the consequences for the labor force of Western Macedonia’s (Greece) decarbonization as part of Europe’s new Green Deal. Already, the region records the highest unemployment rate of the country (27 percent in 2018). A survey of contractors suggests that about 16,000 jobs could potentially be affected by the closure of the mines (about 4,500 directly in coal and power production and another 11,000-11,500 indirectly supplying goods and services). It mainly concerns older and less educated, but medium-skilled workers. Many do not expect much of a future in Western Macedonia, with most of the better-skilled seeing themselves move to other regions. But much will also depend on the coal transition path chosen, including the timing and labor intensity of the power plant decommissioning and land reclamation plans, as well as those of the new alternative activities promoted. Timely consultations with the workers affected will also be critical.
mining primary and secondary education labor force participation unemployment rate europe and central asia economic crisis electronic equipment industrial sector industry maintenance and repair retail trade literacy and numeracy technical and vocational education labor markets mining sector skill mismatch working age population mining services total employment focus group risk of poverty power generation input-output table internal combustion engine skills development and labor market social protections and labor provision of service new job mining & extractive industry (non-energy) labor market information social assistance program wage subsidy program purchase of goods and services recent years average monthly wage health and safety issue employment and unemployment number of jobs electric power generation below the poverty line female-headed household high unemployment rate firm survey demand for labor transmission and distribution construction of road labor market entry low levels of education employee will re high poverty rate public works program level of employment old-age dependency ratio improvement in literacy net job creation local labor market program for international student labor market need local private sector local government capacity expansion of education active labor market program social security benefit child care worker information on labor market future skills need regular unemployment benefit labor market forecast investments by individual youth in general mine closure lower educational attainment passive labor market policies lignite mining net migration rate share of revenue young adult women labor market requirement average unemployment rate power generation sector barriers to employment production of electricity regional general equilibrium passive labor market program youth dependency ratio secondary vocational education coal power plant labor intensity



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Doc Name
Just Coal Transition in Western Macedonia, Greece - Insights from the Labor Market
Document Date
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United States of America
Series Name
Jobs series;issue no. 54
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