cover image: GNC Localisation Roadmap - VERSION 1 2024-2025


GNC Localisation Roadmap - VERSION 1 2024-2025

29 Apr 2024

of local and national actors in the design and delivery of humanitarian assistance is required This roadmap reflects both the technical and for sustainability, increases efficiency, reduces coordination arms of the GNC and has been costs of service delivery, and makes the whole influenced by the 2023 UNICEF localisation process more accountable to and trusted by the evaluation as well as GNC leade. [...] The text of pacities to respond to humanitarian challenges, the Grand Bargain calls for ‘making principled including the achievement of durable solutions” action as local as possible and as international (PARinAC 1994) and the 1994 Code of Con- as necessary’ while continuing to recognise the duct for the International Red Cross and Red vital role of international actors. [...] One of the topics of discussion at the 2006 Global Humanitarian Platform (GHP) meeting, which led to the development of the Principles of Partnership, was the role of national and lo- cal actors in emergency response, which was identified as a key topic that had been inade- quately addressed in the IASC’s humanitarian reform discussions that established the cluster Box 2: Localisation in the appro. [...] and skilled staffing37 of national and sub- Where a cluster is activated, UNICEF is the national coordination mechanisms in L2 and L3 designated CLA accountable and responsible emergency contexts and ensures the fulfilment for coordinating nutrition response efforts, as of the six core functions of a cluster at country well as the POLR to ensure adequate cluster level in addition to being the desi. [...] The Country Rep- nator varies among CLAs and CCPs; it is rec- resentative/Director of the CLA is accountable ognized as good practice that the division of re- to the RC/HC for the cluster’s functioning and sponsibilities and ways of working between the for serving as Provider of Last Resort15.
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