cover image: Disclaimer: This IMAM Cost Analysis Tips were made possible by the generous support of the American people through the


Disclaimer: This IMAM Cost Analysis Tips were made possible by the generous support of the American people through the

1 Mar 2024

The contents are the responsibility of the GNC Technical Alliance and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. [...] To mitigate this risk, plan the timing of the data collection appropriately and ensure buy-in from those in leadership roles who can secure commitments to provide the required data. [...] While follow-up clarifications and interviews can be conducted remotely after the majority of the data has been collected, it is recommended to plan for sufficient time to collect all data and to complete the majority of data entry during the in-person portion of the costing process. [...] ● Seek any opportunity to reduce the burden of the data requests on the respondents. [...] ● Provide the results of the analysis to the organisations sampled for the analysis and request feedback on the results.


Sanja Segvic

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