cover image: Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Djibouti Digital Foundations Project - P174461


Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Djibouti Digital Foundations Project - P174461

28 Oct 2020

The project includes some activities to strengthen the foundations of e-government, such as the review of the main sectoral laws and texts to create a Digital Code as well as support for the creation of an adequate cybersecurity framework, and will complement the activities proposed under Component 1 to create an enabling environment for the growth of the digital economy. [...] The sub- component will also assist the Government in preparing, in collaboration with IFC, the required series of legal and regulatory documents for the opening of the market to competition and will support the ARMD to establish a market observatory. [...] The TA to MCPT will also seek to ensure the independence of the ARMD by following the provisions of the Digital Law are implemented once the ARMD is operational. [...] The final review will aim to i) assess the achievements of the SSI objectives since its implementation in 2014, reviewing the progress made towards the achievement of the various programs proposed in the SSI; ii) take stock of the evolution of the sector and emerging needs; iii) identify the priority development actions for developing a digital economy blueprint for Djibouti, including further lib [...] The aim of this sub-component is to increase the capacity of the Government to deliver services to the public and improve broadband connectivity, especially for education services, and to the private sector, and to conduct its work efficiently, through the provision of broadband internet access to priority government locations.
information technology public policy digital economy financial service access to finance rural area digital technology primary and secondary education digital transformation household survey djibouti labour market middle east and north africa economies of scale job creation human capital vocational training digital literacy factor of production literacy and numeracy state-owned enterprise extreme poverty business environment digital skills digital connectivity market structure information and communication technologies young people skill development internet service provider broadband internet real gdp access to the internet internet connection corruption perception index business process outsourcing impact of climate change broadband networks mobile money new economy digital development investment project financing skills development and labor market awareness campaign water and electricity telecommunications infrastructure capacity building program stakeholder consultation million people operation and maintenance cost environmental and social risk classification small and medium size enterprise recent years broadband connectivity digital service extreme poor household digital solutions affordable price legal and regulatory framework acquisition of equipment fiber optic cable posts and telecommunications telecommunications sector internet capacity broadband market education sector plan telecommunications and broadband access income generating activity income-generating activity strategic partner average annual rainfall lack of competition personal data protection access to ict domestic labor market business plan development barrier to entry public private infrastructure advisory facility gross enrollment rate private sector entry national payment system effects of poverty new market entrant regulatory authority introduction of competition reliance on foreign low literacy rate quality of public quality public service senior government official telecommunications service competitive private sector value-added services rural primary school absence of competition market opening sale of food future market market to competition submarine cable systems independent regulation telecommunications operator supply agreement tertiary education system award of licenses fiber optic connection telecommunications market domestic private investment access to telecommunication public interest objective


Kelly,Timothy John Charles

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Djibouti Digital Foundations Project - P174461
Document Date
Originating Unit
Digital Dev - AFR EAST/SOUTH (IDD04)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
P174461,DJ-Djibouti Digital Foundations Project -- P174461
Total Volume(s)
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