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Cambodia - Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project : Additional Financing

3 Sep 2020

In July 2019, the Ministry of Health (MOH) completed the rollout of the final phase of SDGs and successfully introduced the information and communication technology-based assessment tool nationwide in the implementation of National Quality Enhancement Monitoring Process, which has achieved a significant improvement in the quality of health care service provisions in all publicly financed health fa [...] Given the limited capacity at the MOH to conduct supervision of the construction as well as the design and drawings of the two PRHs, a specialized firm was recruited in May 2019 to support the design and drawings and conduct quality supervision for the construction the 45 HCs and 15 maternity and obstetric wards. [...] The request included the reallocation of the available IDA credit from the H-EQIP components 1-3 to support the implementation of the Cambodia’s COVID-19 master plan. [...] The overall goal of the plan is to control the transmission of COVID-19, and to mitigate the impact of the pandemic in Cambodia. [...] The proposed AF2 and restructuring aims to extend the project closing date by 12 months, from June 30, 2021 to June 30, 2022 to allow for the completion of the delayed civil works, particularly the construction of the two PRHs, and to replenish the funding gap of US$14 million created as a result of the reallocation of this amount to the CERC.
cambodia disaster risk management information and communication technology health facility environmental safeguard indigenous peoples industry maternal and child health united nations framework convention on climate change health care service early childhood development public financial management current expenditure quality of health care health equity health system strengthening national action plan citizen engagement global environment emergency response climate change action plan cervical cancer screening health care services industry health service management and delivery nutrition and population health services delivery public health facility health and safety risk environmental management plan east asia and pacific environmental and social impact result indicator social and environmental indigenous people plan science and technology development cost of health services environmental and social safeguard civil works grievance redress mechanism adverse environmental impact primarily due operation and management science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health public health measures health and nutrition quality assessment point of entry social assistance program people with disability social and environment safeguard health economics & finance human capital development performance-based financing quality health care grievance redress service systematic tracking of exchanges in procurement law on public procurement essential health services programs for health national climate change environment and natural resources long-term climate change capacity for implementation annual operational plan healthcare waste management flow of fund gender focal point conditional cash transfer program procedure for land acquisition climate co-benefits waste management practice corporate results indicator improvement of health public health service climate change vulnerability social safeguard policy financing for health secondary health care expansion of access public health concern service delivery grants procurement risk assessment maximum flood challenge of education transfer of ownership indigenous people and ethnic minorities public health impact finance and expenditure
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Doc Name
Cambodia - Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project : Additional Financing
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United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KH-Additional Financing For Health Equity And Quality Improvement -- P173769
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