cover image: Equitable Growth Insights: Synthesizing economic mobility research from academia, journalism, and the nonprofit sector


Equitable Growth Insights: Synthesizing economic mobility research from academia, journalism, and the nonprofit sector

15 May 2024

Equitable Growth Insights: Synthesizing economic mobility research from academia, journalism, and the nonprofit sector Hello, Welcome to the Washington Center for Equitable Growth’s first Insights newsletter on economic mobility! This is a brand new quarterly newsletter, where we’ll bring you insights on economic mobility from academia, journalism, and the nonprofit sector. [...] SUBSCRIBE Taking social connection seriously In 2022, Opportunity Insights used Facebook data on friend networks to show that the level of economic connectedness in a community is a key determinant of whether U. [...] The new report adds sections on the impact of social connections, reproductive rights, and union density on economic mobility in the United States. [...] He demonstrates how intergenerational elasticities, intergenerational correlations, and rank-rank slopes are related to one another, and provides several examples of how they relate to the level of inequality in the economy. [...] Tackling affirmative action In a series of recent articles, writers at The New York Times consider how universities should proceed in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to strike down affirmative action programs.
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United States of America