cover image: Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Malawi Education Reform Program (MERP) - P174329


Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Malawi Education Reform Program (MERP) - P174329

12 Aug 2020

D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) will be the main implementing agency on behalf of the Government of Malawi; under the overall leadership and coordination of the Directorate of Planning and Directorate of Basic Education. [...] Clearly defining the GBV requirements and expectations in the bid documents, including the requirement for a Code of Conduct (CoC) which addresses GBV; and v. evaluating contractor’s GBV response proposal in the C-ESMP, and confirming prior to finalizing the contract the contractor’s ability to meet the project’s GBV requirements. [...] General Assessment ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project: The key risks and impacts from this project arise from the construction of learning shelters, gender specific infrastructure and female teacher houses. [...] Given the small scale nature of the proposed activities and the greyfield nature of the expected locations, impacts are expected to be limited and manageable. [...] The proposed construction works are anticipated to be generally of small scale and develop a suite of commonly encountered risks and potential impacts including occupational health and safety, community safety, sustainable sourcing of construction materials, creation of solid waste, noise/air pollution and minor congestion due to the use of vehicles and machinery.
africa land use malawi cultural heritage climate change mitigation awareness raising natural resources child labour financial intermediaries industry labour law child protection community safety occupational health and safety child labor best practice resource efficiency inclusive education education reform social exclusion global environment environmental and social impact assessment sustainable management building material construction work educational sciences climate change mitigation and green house gases educational institutions & facilities health care services industry water and energy management procedure social and environmental surrounding community grievance mechanism capacity building plan community health and safety national implementation environmental and social review summary wash facility project datum environmental risk physical characteristic general assessment civil works project costing adverse risks labor management vulnerable group social risk rating female student risks and mitigation measures borrower's commitment stakeholder consultation community workers environmental and social management plan construction and rehabilitation construction material vulnerable population physical work land acquisition process educational policy and planning - ministry of education education reform and management educational policy and planning - politics of education reforms educational policy and planning - institutional development remote area target resources response mechanism construction contractor community labor construction of housing dust level safety of worker school level safeguard specialist safeguards compliance local government authority female teacher school staff education investment strategic objective construction of school qualified teacher quality and relevance urban setting quality education environment and natural resources condition of effectiveness contextual factor public primary school teaching staff annual target student drop-out rates vulnerable learner road safety management development of site gender specific education infrastructure use of vehicles sand and gravel school personnel capacity requirements disadvantaged school school retention improving learning environment pollution issues waste production role models learners with disability transition period attendance of girl school resource school pupil pupil-teacher ratio appropriate standards conservation value adjacent land menstrual health direct support to schools pupil-classroom ratio education and technology



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Doc Name
Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Malawi Education Reform Program (MERP) - P174329
Document Date
Originating Unit
Education AFR 1 (HAEE1)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
P174329,MW-Malawi Education Reform Program (Merp) -- P174329
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Education AFR 1
Volume No


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