cover image: Evidence gap map Health - Interventions to reduce anaemia in low- and


Evidence gap map Health - Interventions to reduce anaemia in low- and

30 May 2024

The interventions focus on Evidence is clustered in Africa (30%) direct causes of anaemia (including chronic and infectious and South-East Asia (30%) but is diseases, gynaecological and obstetric conditions, and inadequate absent in several countries with high nutrient intake, absorption, and utilization); intermediate risk anaemia prevalence. [...] Other outcomes include nutrient absorption and supplementation and fortification, and intake, disease exposure and response, and gynaecological and anti-malarial and deworming programs. [...] However, we identified a health/nutrition knowledge and treatment of severe acute malnutrition lower volume of evidence for awareness (n = 2), inadequate or interventions supporting the value some countries with high anaemia access to/use of WASH (n = 2), and chain and supply chain of anaemia prevalence, including Mali, Zambia, access/use of health/nutrition products. [...] extensive evidence base on anaemia from the last decade, and we interventions to address direct Authors of high- and medium- encourage funders, practitioners, and causes of anaemia, although in some confidence SRs suggest the researchers to consider their own cases the results were inconclusive or following to improve the quality of priorities and interests. [...] The larger the bubble, the displays a list of the evidence for that What is a 3ie evidence gap map? 3ie EGMs are collections of an interactive online visualization of decision-makers target their evidence from IEs, SRs, and in the evidence base, displayed in a resources to fill these important some cases, qualitative studies for framework of relevant interventions evidence gaps and avoid a given s.
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United States of America