unfpa – advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) in the private sector 9 2 WHY SHOULD THE PRIVATE SECTOR ADOPT SRHR PRACTICES AND REPORTING? A sigNificANt gAp iN AddressiNg srhr iN the workplAce 11 the criticAl role of the privAte sector 13 the busiNess cAse for AdoptiNg srhr prActices 13 10 unfpa – advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) in the private sector. [...] © UNFPA Palestine/Bisan Owda uNfpA – AdvANciNg sexuAl ANd reproductive heAlth ANd rights (SRHR) iN the privAte sector 21 4 SRHR INDICATORS AND METRICS objectives ANd scope of iNdicAtors ANd metrics 23 overview of srhr iNdicAtors ANd metrics 24 list of srhr iNdicAtors ANd metrics 25 22 unfpa – advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) in the private sector Objectives and scope of i. [...] unfpa – advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) in the private sector 41 SRHR focus area PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF HIV AND AIDS AND OTHER STIS POLICIES Indicator Qualitative metric Quantitative metric Does your company have policies aimed at the Please describe what the policies Percentage of prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS and entail, including: employees covered oth. [...] training(s) on the other STIs (please specify) prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS Does your company conduct awareness Please describe the awareness initiatives related initiatives to communicate the policies and to the policies and available facilities and services available services offered by the company for the for prevention and treatment of HIV, AIDS or other prevention and treatment of. [...] awareness initiatives, including HIV, AIDS and other STIs (please specify) ACCESS Indicator Qualitative metric Quantitative metric Does your company offer counselling and Please describe the types of counselling and services services for the prevention and treatment of offered by your company for the prevention and HIV and AIDS for employees at the workplace? treatment of HIV and AIDS, the scope o.
- Pages
- 63
- Published in
- United States of America