cover image: Leaving No One Behind: Inclusion One Pager 2024


Leaving No One Behind: Inclusion One Pager 2024

16 Mar 2024

Women and girls, children and youth, displaced populations, racial and ethnic minorities including Indigenous populations, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ communities experience significant barriers that impact their justice journeys. [...] These communities often face discriminatory laws and and justice experience limited access to adequate justice services, despite having urgent and complex justice needs like accessing housing, employment, healthcare, and social services. [...] To achieve justice for children, we must youth and build inclusive intergenerational partnerships, invest in inclusion, well-being justice and the prevention of justice problems for children, collect data in a child friendly way that includes their perspectives, and scale justice innovations with a focus on digital justice for children. [...] Ethnic and religious minorities, as well as Indigenous communities, Racial & ethnic face unique justice needs and challenges rooted in historical power minorities and imbalances and prejudices, social stigmas and discrimination, and a justice fundamental lack of recognition of their informal, customary, and traditional justice systems. [...] 1 2 3 Prioritize those most at risk Prevent and address Engage and empower of being left behind in discrimination, communities data collection, policy violence, and economically, legally, design, implementation, marginalization and in conversations decision-making, and about their own justice global fora journeys 4 5 Fund and resource justice Collect, analyze, and services that support those use p.



Published in
United States of America