cover image: SIERRA LEONE Progress Assessment Global Fund Breaking Down Barriers Initiative


SIERRA LEONE Progress Assessment Global Fund Breaking Down Barriers Initiative

23 May 2024

Important national institutions, such as the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone and the Judiciary, were also increasing their engagement to protect and promote the human rights of key populations and PLHIV, and to create a more enabling environment for the ongoing expansion of HIV services. [...] The purpose of this assessment was to understand the progress of programs to remove rights-related barriers to HIV and TB services in Sierra Leone, as well as to probe the emerging impact of these interventions on uptake, access and retention in HIV and TB services, with specific attention to program quality, the extent of scale-up and efforts to build in sustainability (see Box 2). [...] At the time of the assessment, a plan had been developed to reprogramed Global Fund resources to increase the scale and scope of legal literacy interventions and to link them to access to justice through the engagement of paralegals and a legal services provider. [...] NAS has been able to gain a commitment from the Judiciary, through the Chief Justice, to examine the responsiveness of the justice system in the context of the national HIV and TB responses. [...] Despite the significant underspending of Global Fund resources for programs to reduce human rights related barriers, community partners in Sierra Leone remain active and committed to human rights advocacy and to protecting and promoting the human rights of PLHIV and KPs to the extent that is feasible.
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