cover image: Maritime Landscape: Past Present and Future - CMEC Distinguished Lecture Series


Maritime Landscape: Past Present and Future - CMEC Distinguished Lecture Series

26 Apr 2024

continued dialogue and concerted the importance of ASEAN-India The seminar served as a platform action are essential to strengthen Millet Festival, ASEAN-India for robust deliberations, fostering the ASEAN-India relationship for Green Fund and ASEAN-India a deeper understanding of the peace, security and prosperity in S&T cooperation in enhancing intricate aspects of the ASEAN- the region. [...] of the Global South; and identify practices in the agriculture sector She endorsed the need to learn from areas of common interests and in the Global South. [...] The BIMSTEC and RIS and providing meeting underscored the importance inputs on the working structure and of regional cooperation in the Bay of potential of BIMSTEC. [...] In Thomas Pogge, Director of the based on its strong macroeconomic pushing the mandate of South-South Global Justice Programme and fundaments in the world and the Cooperation, the role of civil society Leitner Professor of Philosophy and increasing role of the Global South has been instrumental in many Political Science, Yale University, and how they are going to bring in ways. [...] the importance of the agriculture Sc ient i s t , I IMR, Hyderabad In a separate session, the students sector in the BIMSTEC region and discussed the implications of food were exposed to regional agriculture emphasised the need for ensuring safety standards in the cereal trade data where Professor S.
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