cover image: Senate Inquiry into Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Senate Inquiry into Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)

9 May 2024

This submission reflects the positions of RUN institutions, and in doing so, also aims to represent the views of those students and communities which RUN universities serve; the one-third of Australians who live outside of metropolitan centres in Regional, Rural and Remote locations. [...] This includes an understanding of the limitations of the technology, the social benefits, and of course, the risk2 and implications upon academic integrity. [...] This extends beyond a vocational familiarity/competency in the use of AI and includes the development of skills in critical thinking and analysis to use the tools ethically, safely, and effectively. [...] RUN universities acknowledge the necessity of education to leverage the benefits of AI and reduce risk and are taking steps to ensure their ethical use and integration. [...] The EU has been proactive in establishing regulations to address the ethical and societal implications of generative AI, which seeks to regulate the use of AI generally (rather than in particular contexts or for particular applications) and proposes classifying different AI systems according to perceived level of risk.
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