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29 May 2024

202.628.0871 ● Chair Pinto and members of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety: The Sentencing Project opposes Bill 25-791, the “Utilizing Partnerships and Local Interventions for Truancy and Safety (UPLIFT) Amendment Act of 2024” (Titles I through III only). [...] Established in 1986, The Sentencing Project advocates for effective and humane responses to crime that minimize imprisonment and criminalization of youth and adults by promoting racial, ethnic, economic, and gender justice. [...] 3.) Youth incarceration harms the well-being of youth and is disproportionately imposed on Black and other youth of color. [...] For those youth who are part of the system, contacts should be as brief as possible Title III of the legislation restricts the use of consent decrees, deferred adjudication agreements, and deferred disposition agreements for youth charged with a broad swath of conduct. [...] As The Sentencing Project documented in Why Youth Incarceration Fails: An Updated Review of the Evidence,8 incarceration is a failed strategy for rehabilitating youth and protecting the public.


Breanna Bishop

Published in
United States of America