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Decarbonising Poland’s Power Systems: A Scenario-Based Evaluation - Executive Summary

4 Apr 2024

By exploring a range of scenarios, from optimistic to conservative, the study presents a nuanced view of potential futures for Poland’s electricity system, highlighting the importance of a diverse technological portfolio. [...] The modelling across various scenarios and sensitivities indicates that limiting technological options, such as excluding new nuclear power or carbon capture plants, could significantly increase the cost of a decarbonised system and triple the amount of necessary energy infrastructure, such as transmission networks. [...] CATF | Executive Summary - Decarbonising Poland’s Power System: A Scenario-Based Evaluation 2 Policy recommendations The study resulted in a number of actionable policy recommendations that can help in navigating the complex landscape of transforming the Polish power system.  Establish Technology-Inclus. [...] Promote Onshore Wind Expansion ■ Maximise the deployment of onshore wind power within the limitations of conflicts of interest. [...] Advance Nuclear Power ■ Target the establishment of a nuclear fleet surpassing a total capacity of 8 GW in the long term.
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United States of America