cover image: This document is an English translation of a statement written originally in Japanese.


This document is an English translation of a statement written originally in Japanese.

24 May 2024

Results of the Tender Offer (1) Outcome of the Tender Offer In the Tender Offer, the condition was that the Tender Offeror would not purchase any of the Tendered Share Certificates if the total number of Tendered Share Certificates fell below the minimum number of shares to be purchased (11,768,500 shares). [...] Because the total number of the Tendered Share Certificates (15,278,492 shares) was equal to or exceeds the minimum number of shares to be purchased (11,768,500 shares), all of the Tendered Share Certificates will be purchased as described in the public notice of the commencement of the Tender Offer and the Tender Offer Registration Statement (including the matters amended by the amendment stateme. [...] (2) Date of Public Notice of Results of Tender Offer, and Name of Newspaper for Public Notice Pursuant to Article 27-13, Paragraph 1 of the FIEA, on May 24, 2024, at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Tender Offeror announced to the press the results of the Tender Offer, by the method prescribed in Article 9-4 of the Order for Enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Cabinet Order No. [...] The purchase price for the Share Certificates that have been purchased will, as designated by the Tendering Shareholders, be remitted by the Tender Offer Agent to the places designated by the Tendering Shareholders (or the standing proxy in the case of foreign shareholders) (remittance fees may be charged) or be paid to the accounts of the Tendering Shareholders used by the Tender Offer Agent to a. [...] The Tender Offeror plans to implement the procedures for the purchase of all of the Target Company Shares (provided, however, the Target Company Shares held by the Tender Offeror and the treasury shares held by the Target Company shall be excluded) through a series of transactions to be conducted after the Tender Offer.
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