Statement by David Cooper Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity


Statement by David Cooper Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity

21 May 2024

We have had some very important outcomes of this meeting, that now will help COP 16 ensure that we have the tools and guidance we need to support the implementation of the Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, what we've also referred to as The Biodiversity Plan; and of course, to monitor progress so that we can see if we can stay on track to those ambitious goals and targets that we al. [...] All of these have been due to the preparations for the for these items and I really want to, in particular, thank the Co-Chairs and Chairs of the various Ad Hoc Technical Expert Groups. [...] The work of this Body in supporting the Convention, is based on drawing upon the best evidence, the best science, and also drawing upon the work of partners. [...] Of course, we should also thank all of the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Plenary, and of the various contact groups; Jan, Marina, Erica, Jahedul, Hesiquio, and Barbara, Gaute, Jane, and Osama, for their amazing work this week. [...] To the report writers, to the interpreters, to all the support staff, to the security here, to those that have been looking after us in the venue, the cleaners, catering, everyone.
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