Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006)


Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006)

9 May 2024

The Committee therefore encourages that Member States and international and non-governmental organizations carrying out humanitarian assistance and relief activities for the benefit of the civilian population of the DPRK to provide the Committee and its Panel of Experts with any information relevant to the risk of diversion. [...] o The Committee recommends that Member States explain to applicants how their application will be routed to the Committee (for example, if the application needs to be reviewed first by national authorities before being submitted to the Committee) and how much time the Member State will need to submit the application to the Committee. [...] United Nations: If a Member State is unable or in any other way not in a position to route such a request to the Committee, the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the DPRK may serve as a liaison for the international or non- governmental organization to send exemption requests to the Committee and provide guidance to the organizations. [...] The Committee Secretary will forward exemption requests to the Committee when they meet the following criteria: o The requesting entity is an international or non-governmental organization with a track record of having delivered aid to the DPRK or other countries in the past and/or the non-governmental organization is nationally recognized by the relevant Member State(s); o The nature of assistanc. [...] Publication of the exemption allows relevant national authorities involved in reviewing the exempted transfers to the DPRK, and financial institutions and suppliers working with the applicant to quickly and independently verify the exemption.3 Best Practices The Committee believes international and non-governmental organizations planning to carry out assistance and relief activities in the DPRK fo.


Farrington, Jane E

Published in
United Kingdom