cover image: Opening Ceremony Chinese Family in Transition A New Social Welfare Paradigm for the Period Low Birth Rate


Opening Ceremony Chinese Family in Transition A New Social Welfare Paradigm for the Period Low Birth Rate

30 Apr 2024

Yuying Tong Co-Director, Centre for Chinese Family Studies; Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 10:50am-11:00am Morning Tea Break 11:00am-12:30pm Panel Presentation 1: Marriage and Family Change in East Asia The Impact of Marriage Changes on the Lowest-low Fertility of China---A Comparison Analysis with Japan and Korea -Prof. [...] Ting Li Professor, School of Social Research, Renmin University of China Page | 1 Supported by: The Role of College Expansion in Inter generational Mobility in a Lowest-Low Fertility Context: A Case of South Korea -Prof. [...] Emily Hannum Professor of Sociology and Education, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania Q&A Session Moderator -Prof. [...] Dexia Kong Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK Page | 2 Supported by: -The Lingering Influences of the Pand me ic on HK People’s Family Wellbeing: Results of Three Waves of Survey in 2019, 2022 and 2024 Mr. [...] Haijing Dai Co-Director, Centre for Chinese Family Studies; Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK 9:30am-11:00am Panel Presentation 3: Attitude and Value Change in Family Decomposing the Determinants of Fertility Intentions: Evidence from a Comparative Quasi-Experimental Study in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore -Prof.


Horatio Gong (SWK)

Published in
Hong Kong