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Review of Research 2023

27 May 2024

The Institute receives an annual grant-in-aid from the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform to support the scientific and public interest elements of the Institute’s activities; the grant accounted for an average of 26 per cent of the Institute’s income over the lifetime of the last Research Strategy. [...] global exports, which have grown relatively more slowly than those of the EU, and the Research funded by the Department of importance of taking into account breaks in Finance explored the potential effects of the measurement of trade flows concurrent the global minimum corporate tax rate on with the UK’s exit from the EU Single Market Ireland’s attractiveness to FDI and the wider and Customs Union. [...] Throughout the year, presentations were made to a wide range of academic Highlight 3: In July, a paper was published conferences, stakeholders and policymakers, from the EPA research programme on the including the Irish Economic Association, the impact on the health of older people of Health Economics Study group, the Society the roll-out of smoky coal bans across the for Longitudinal and Life Cou. [...] In 2023, research under the joint programme with the Department of Finance and the Revenue Commissioners examined issues that included estimating the potential medium-term impact of the war in Ukraine on the Irish economy, and exploring the impact of a number of ECB policy interest-rate In 20“23, much increase scenarios on the Irish economy. [...] between the sectors In 2023 research under the joint programme with the Department of the Taoiseach on of the economy the economic and social opportunities from increased co-operation on a shared island focused on student mobility, gender and dominated by labour market inclusion, social attitudes, and housing supply across the island of Ireland.
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