cover image: Strategic Plan 2021-2025


Strategic Plan 2021-2025

10 Oct 2022

National priorities for reconciliation will continue to be supported through the four key strategic objectives of this plan, including a new reconciliation Reconciliation Queensland invites and encourages individuals and framework approach focused on increasing regional engagement and collaboration organisations to be a part of the next chapter of the Queensland reconciliation of key stakeholder g. [...] RELATIONS Through education, Reconciliation Queensland raises community awareness Partner with and support Queensland organisations, industries, and understanding of Australian history and contemporary issues from the and governments to achieve their reconciliation goals. [...] • D evelop and promote a Reconciliation Queensland Provide more opportunities for organisations Partnerships program with new combined opportunities to participate, sponsor and partner in for key state and regional events, including National Reconciliation Queensland events across Reconciliation Week and regional reconciliation forum • Establish and promote a calendar of events, Queensland. [...] Plan and host annual events, programs, events.programs, and workshops to be hosted and workshops (including National by Reconciliation Queensland and LRGs – Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week). [...] • Form alliances with Aboriginal and Torres • Develop and implement Leadership in Reconciliation Foster a network of Queensland community Support Queensland organisations to develop Strait Islander and other community leaders, workshops and events to support partnered RAP members who support, promote and and advance their Reconciliation Action Plans speakers, and teachers who can attend organisati.