cover image: Why Trust Science? - A brief essay to help spread an understanding of how scientific knowledge is produced, while suggesting a new


Why Trust Science? - A brief essay to help spread an understanding of how scientific knowledge is produced, while suggesting a new

12 May 2024

Many publications include a list of all the materials that were used, as well as where the ingredients were purchased, how they were prepared, and even what lot numbers appear on the side of the bottle! This excruciating level of detail is designed to allow others in the community to reproduce the original experiment (or conduct one that is very similar). [...] Understanding the Scientific Process Can Help Us Differentiate Between Misinformation and Legitimate Science Thanks to the explosive expansion of the internet and the inescapable spread of social media, most of us now have virtually unlimited access to a tidal wave of information—as well as misinformation. [...] A good place to start might be the website of a reliable organization, such as a respected news outlet or the National Academy of Sciences (in the United States) or the Royal Society (in the United Kingdom). [...] These can include the retraction of publications and the subsequent correction of the scientific record, suspension or removal of the perpetrators from their positions, and the revocation of their funding—either temporarily or permanently. [...] A solid understanding of science as a community-driven process can enable all of us to discern the truth and become “competent outsiders.” Links to selected free resources Science, misinformation, and the role of education: “Competent outsiders” must be able to evaluate the credibility of science-based arguments.
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