cover image: sh36_e



17 May 2024

Overview of resolution for improvement of systems for ensuring following matters are not included in the documents to be delivered appropriate operations and overview of the state of operation of the to shareholders who have requested delivery of the documents, in system to ensure appropriate business operations accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the 5. [...] The non-consolidated statements of shareholders’ equity and the documents are a part of the subject documents audited by the Audit notes to non-consolidated financial statements and Supervisory Committee and the Independent Auditors in ● If the matters subject to the electronic provision measures are preparing their audit reports: corrected, the details of the correction will be shown on each 1. [...] on which the Number of shares of stocks of the Company are listed and the criteria of independence (*) for independent directors stipulated by the the Company held 2,000 shares Company. [...] on which Number of shares of stocks of the Company are listed and the criteria of independence (*) for independent directors stipulated by the the Company held Company. [...] The size of the Board of Directors is in direct proportion to the scale of business, and the Board of Directors is composed with consideration of having diversity (*) including in terms of internationality, and the balance of expertise, etc.
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