cover image: ANNUAL REPORT 2023



17 Apr 2024

It was consolidation and convergence continues, the of the Centre in mapping the expanding reach of In 2023 we welcomed Malavika Jayaram to the who stepped down from the Board this year in been a significant problem for researchers and the year of the chatbot — the year the world began year has also offered an important opportunity to automated systems, and in gauging their impacts Centre’s Intern. [...] designed to support and enable a high in response to the challenges and Advisory Board, and committees level of collaboration and engagement opportunities arising from the rapid dedicated to Equity and Diversity, across programs, focus areas and expansion of automated decision- Editorial, Research Training and institutions. [...] for the development and implementation of the Committee oversees and manages mentoring, Centre’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy training and capability development programs, + Julian Thomas (Co-Chair) and provides advice to the Executive Committee skills and career development for Centre staff and + Jean Burgess (Co-Chair) on equity and diversity matters. [...] expanding the range of organisations involved in the social distribution and effects of ADM; and datasets and resources for educators, designers, our programs and utilising the Centre’s research; by developing, sharing and testing models for developers, policy-makers and practitioners. [...] The Machines Program, in general, seeks to The Mobilities Focus Area investigates the uses advance understanding and application of and implications of automated decision-making in HEALTH ethical/responsible/inclusive ADM in a range of the fields of transport, energy, and migration.
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