cover image: Unheard, Uncharted: A holistic vision for addressing ‘non-economic’ loss and damage


Unheard, Uncharted: A holistic vision for addressing ‘non-economic’ loss and damage

24 Nov 2023

While the entire planet is feeling the impacts of climate change, people who are already socially and Addressing the knowledge gap on economically marginalised are bearing the worst ‘non-economic’ loss and damage consequences, despite having contributed the least to causing the problem. [...] These are the people who are least There is an urgent need for the global community able to avoid, absorb or adapt to climate change impacts to better understand how to assess and respond to due to their lack of access to resources and a lack of ‘non-economic’ loss and damage. [...] frame of reference for understanding loss and The Santiago Network for Loss and Damage should damage because all these needs are increasingly be given a budget that is sufficient to fund capacity being unfulfilled due to the impacts of climate change building programmes to developing countries to and the resulting loss and damage. [...] support the assessment of ‘non-economic’ losses • Adopting a locally-led approach helps outsiders and damages and to assist in the development of to understand local peoples’ experience and appropriate mechanisms to address ‘non-economic’ insights and can help shift decision-making about losses and damages in long-term climate action appropriate responses to affected societies. [...] The Global Stocktake should regard Loss and Assessments of ‘non-economic’ loss and damage Damage as both a standalone and cross cutting need to be participatory by employing intersectional2 issue on a par with mitigation, adaptation and means and gender transformative methods.
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