cover image: U) PLA Update Issue 20, April 30, 2024


U) PLA Update Issue 20, April 30, 2024

2 May 2024

(U) PLA Update Issue 20, April 30, 2024 Issue 20 | April 30, 2024 A monthly newsletter focused on the internal and external affairs of the PLA lTake Brian Waidelich and Patrick deGategno, editors With contributions from Josiah Case and Annette Lee Welcome to the April 2024 edition of PLA UPDATE, CNA’s newsletter on the internal and external affairs of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). [...] The AMS scholars also urged the PLA to support the development of capabilities to improve the PRC’s international influence in emerging fields. [...] Sayan Range March is a snowfield combat and march competition of the International Army Games—an international military sports event organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.12 The 2024 iteration was held in the Western Sayan Range region in Russia from late March to early April and included participants from seven countries, including China, Russia, and Iran. [...] The spokesperson said that the three navies’ forces exercised in mixed groups and that China and Russia acted as the “officer conducting the serial (OCS) of complicated subjects” for the first time. [...] E0VXtwLj8YU7.27 PLA UPDATE | I ssue 20 | April 30, 2024 6 “PLA Embraces a New System of Services and Arms.” 7 The “Two Sessions” is the common name the PRC adopted for its two most important annual legislative meetings: the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (NCCPPCC).
pla, newsletter, china, prc


Brian Waidelich, Patrick deGategno

Published in
United States of America