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Greeenpeace UK Impact Report 2023

24 Apr 2024

We take a forensic approach to understanding which decision makers hold the power, and then use every tactic in our toolbox to get them to change to achieve our goals – shapeshifting to meet the moment. [...] The year ended with Shell suing us in a multimillion optimism of the Greenpeace community shone on dollar intimidation lawsuit and deep sea mining – and together we achieved the kind of momentous company The Metals Company taking us to court to progress that shows a greener, fairer future is still (unsuccessfully) question our right to peacefully protest. [...] the 1980s – when she fought to save the whales – But the Greenpeace community remains defiant and introduced her baby grandchild to us, saying a proud optimistic because – in the face of so many challenges connection to Greenpeace has been passed down and with the odds stacked against us – we keep through generations of her family. [...] We delivered research on biodiversity in the Sargasso Sea, the Antarctic and the Previous hydrophone microplastics in Alpine lakes and on chemical pollution Indian Ocean, we played an active role in the expansion of work in the Indian at a plastics recycling site, while helping draw the links the north east Atlantic’s biggest Marine Protected Area. [...] With wealth to provide the urgently needed investment for a their painstakingly compiled facts and stats, Greenpeace transition to a cleaner, fairer, higher welfare economy.” highlights the links between over consumption (from food, to energy, to clothing) and exploitation of both Sincere thanks to Julia for her support for Greenpeace our natural world and those struggling in all parts of and for.


Greenpeace UK

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