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29 May 2024

However, if the parties do not confirm in the first joint review that they wish CUSMA to continue, they revisit the issue of extension each following year. [...] And even if Joe Biden wins re-election, US trade policy has moved a long way from the days when free trade around the globe was the goal. [...] The report will also set out the views of the 15 advisory committees established under Section 135 of the Trade Act of 1974. [...] The US strongly supported the expansion of the GATT and its eventual evolution into the World Trade Organization in 1995, as well as the creation of free trade agreements such as Canada-US Trade Agreement and NAFTA. [...] However, while Hillary Clinton had previously supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), she and Donald Trump both opposed the TPP in the US 2016 election, and Trump withdrew the US from the TPP as soon as he was elected.



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