cover image: MAY 15, 2024 - Chair Cardin Leads Trans-Atlantic Foreign Affairs Committee Chairs in Joint Statement on Georgian


MAY 15, 2024 - Chair Cardin Leads Trans-Atlantic Foreign Affairs Committee Chairs in Joint Statement on Georgian

16 May 2024

Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led the chairs of foreign affairs committees in the parliaments of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the European Union, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom in issuing a statement following the Georgian parliament’s adoption of a Russian-style f. [...] The United States and Europe will continue to support them as their leadership and vision for Georgia exemplify true patriotism, in stark contrast to the 84 members of Parliament who aligned themselves with Russia in yesterday’s vote. [...] Cardin Chair, Committee on Foreign Relations Senate United States of America Mark Demesmaeker Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Senate Kingdom of Belgium Pavel Fischer Chair, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee Senate Czech Republic Marek Ženíšek Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee . [...] Chamber of Deputies, Czech Republic Marko Mihkelson Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Riigikogu Republic of Estonia Jukka Kopra Chair, Defence Committee Parliament Republic of Finland Michael Roth Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Bundestag Federal Republic of Germany Diljá Mist Einarsdóttir Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Alþingi Iceland Charlie Flanagan Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Dáil Éirea. [...] Saeima Republic of Latvia Žygimantas Pavilionis Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Seimas Republic of Lithuania Ine Eriksen Søreide Chair, Foreign and Defence Committee Stortinget Kingdom of Norway Bogdan Klich Chair, Foreign and European Affairs Committee Senate Republic of Poland Oleksandr Merezhko Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Verkhovna Rada Ukraine Alicia Kearns Chair, Foreign Affairs Select.
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