The trauma of removal, subsequent placement and the denial of culture has been well-documented to lead to a variety of negative health outcomes for the Aboriginal community, and specifically the members of the Stolen Generations. [...] In line with the principles of Aboriginal data-sovereignty and Aboriginal self-determination, governments must adequately fund ACCOs that work with Stolen Generations to ensure they can carry out research and evaluation to build the Aboriginal evidence base and demonstrate the strength of Aboriginal -led responses to support healing for Stolen Generations and their families. [...] Section 6 of the Mental Health Act 2014 states for the purpose of the Act that, treatment is (a) ‘a person receives treatment for mental illness if things are done to the person in the course of the exercise of professional skills- (i) to remedy the mental illness or (ii) to alleviate the symptoms and reduce the ill effects of the mental illness and (b) treatment includes electroconvulsive treatme. [...] The role of ACSASS in consultations is to assist with assessing the need and risk or determining the most suitable response to ensure planning and assistance is provided to the mother, as well as promoting culturally appropriate and 37 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. [...] Yoorrook Justice Commission to request data on processes around unborn reports and make this publicly available, including the number of mothers referred to voluntary services, the number of unborn reports undertaken without supports provided to mothers, and the number of unborn reports for Aboriginal mothers made due to a failure to attend antenatal classes and whether this is the same for non-Ab.
- Pages
- 38
- Published in
- Australia