cover image: RE: Proposed PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation - Docket ID No. EPA-HQ- OW-2022-0114


RE: Proposed PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation - Docket ID No. EPA-HQ- OW-2022-0114

2 May 2024

We urge caution to the Administration and Congress, however, in thinking that this level of funding will be sufficient for local governments to meet the requirements of this proposed regulation and/or other rules that the Agency is considering. [...] We urge the Agency to take a holistic and integrated approach and consider the cumulative impacts that the rules and regulations will have on local governments in terms of costs, compliance and implementation timelines. [...] Moreover, this situation is particularly relevant as the Agency is finalizing the Proposed 2022 Financial Capability Assessment Guidance and it presents an opportunity to ensure that local governments are afforded the maximum flexibilities and financial alternatives to minimize the burden on residential ratepayers. [...] Finally, we urge the Agency to consider the impact of the regulation on low- income and environmental justice communities in the cost analysis calculations, including rate consequences, as these communities are often disproportionately impacted by both increased costs for their water bills and risk exposure to contaminants. [...] We urge the Agency to work with local elected officials and public water systems in developing this framework and providing guidance and tools for local leaders for communicating with our residents.
Published in
United States of America